Italy IU1KBL Gian Luca

Hi, I'm Gian Luca from Italy (IT) JN43AW, radio amateur with IU1KBL callsign.

Many thanks for coming to my web page.

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Hope to hear from you soon, 73's Gian Luca

MFH stats: 1539 QSOs • 0 eQSL • 0 Spot

Gian Luca, IU1KBL Amateur Radio

Latest Contacts for IU1KBL

Book Totals: 1539 QSOs

calldateband mode grid
IT9VCE 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JM77LV
IK4XQT 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN62KS
IQ3MP 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN56NP
IQ2CJ 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN45ON
IN3EYI 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN55MV
IK4OMU 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN64CD
IZ8CCW 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JM89DG
IQ2BZ 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN45TV
IZ3LCP 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN65EN
IQ3WW 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN55WJ
IW2DOY 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN45NJ
IW3RCK 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN65KV
IQ4FA 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN54TT
IT9ACJ 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JM77NO
IQ3GO 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN65TV
IQ3RP 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN55VS
IU3OAR 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN65DM
IQ1IV 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN35WL
IQ0RM 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JN61GU
IZ8WDH 2021-12-12 40m RTTY JM88DW

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The known position of IU1KBL

Who is IU1KBL

Ciao Sono Gian Luca, Mi piace fare attività in montagna in QRPIn questo momento  sto imparando il CW (-.-. --.-).Mi sono interessato anche alla sismologia e allo studio del tempo. Sono anche cacciatore di sonde Meteo. Qui in basso puoi vedere le mie pagine con Stazione meteo, aprs, Sismo, Webcam.
 Home Page IU1KBL
 Meteo Bestagno
 WebCam Panoramica

Information on IU1KBL

Country: Italy
TZ Offset: 1 hrs UTC
DXCC: 248
ITU Zone: 28
CQ Zone: 15
Callsign: IU1KBL
ID DMR: 2227792
First Name: Gian Luca
Other information is only visible to registered radio amateurs

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