What is MFH Awards?
Award management system for enablers and hunters. MFH Awards is a complete, easy and innovative platform, developed to create, manage and then organize Diplomas for Amateur Radio, CB or PMR446.

How does it work?
All those who are registered with MFH, regardless of the type of account, they can create, manage or participate in the awards. To manage diplomas, you must have been previously authorized to do so by the system administrator. To participate in the diploma, it is necessary to connect one or more activators provided, each activator must populate the MFH logbook by uploading their radio activities. Only after having reached the minimum score for the recognition of the diploma and when this is available graphically, for those who are entitled to it, it is possible to download the relevant diploma.

Assignment of points< br>For any points to be credited, the log must be uploaded exclusively via the MFH logbook (any version). Only the data currently loaded and therefore available, not deleted from the register and which respect the event guidelines, are verified and calculated. It may happen that by uploading your activity to the log, you also unintentionally participate in one or more awards at the same time. The control, assignment and validity of the final score is always at the discretion of the manager of the respective award. Only connections made during the period of time established for the diploma are calculated, in the foreseen manner and on a daily basis.

  • Manager = the person who takes care of the management of the diploma, to verify the logs and provide assistance for the diplomas created by him.
  • Activator = he is the one who is contacted by the hunters and is the person who personally participates in the event by uploading his own activity via the station register. Multiple activators can be assigned for the same diploma.
  • Hunter = is the person who contacts the diploma activator during the validity period of the event and respecting the pre-established rules.
  • Points = points assigned for each valid connection.
  • Certificate = it is the final recognition that certifies the award for having achieved the pre-established objective.
MFH, like this management platform, is non-profit, it is strictly forbidden to offer cash prizes, any form of favoritism and any form of illegal activity are prohibited. Contact the respective manager for any information regarding the event. Contact your MFH administrator for any other needs.


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Licenza Creative Commons
Developed by IU1FIG • Diego Rispoli
☎ +39 340 2434255